Scientific events 2023 program


Methodology of cultural, linguistic and historical research in Abī Rās Al-Nāṣar Al-Mᶜaskrī - In homage to Mohamed Ghalem

The national discussion seminar

Methodology of cultural, linguistic and historical research in Abī Rās Al-Nāṣar Al-Mᶜaskrī

In homage to Mohamed Ghalem,  

Thursday 11 May 2023, 09:00 at CRASC headquarters.

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C.R.A.S.C. B.P. 1955 El-M'Naouer Technopôle de l'USTO, Bir El Djir, 31000, Oran Algérie
+ 213 41 62 06 95
+ 213 41 62 07 03
+ 213 41 62 07 05
+ 213 41 62 07 11
+ 213 41 62 06 98
+ 213 41 62 07 04