Research / NRP 2010-2012

National Research Programs 2010-2012

The law 08-05 of the 16th Safar 1429 / 23th of February, which contains the orientation and the programme for the quinquennial projection about the scientific research and the technological development 2008-2012, defines in its third article the principal objectives of the scientific research and the technological development projected for the future decade. 
In order to attend these objectives 34 national programmes of research (PNR) were progressed.
These PNR translate the problematic of economic development, social and cultural in one coherent assembly of objectives and actions of scientific research and technological development as well. Their launch constitutes a strategic operation highly symbolic by reflecting the consideration effort consented by the nation, for to promote the scientific research and the technological development. The former which cannot be conceived without obligations in return principally in terms of reached objectives, thus socio-economic benefits and a correct public money use.

The “PNR” projects managed by the CRASC by a number of 233:

            104 “PNR” projects 20: Education and Formation.

            46 “PNR” projects: Culture and Civilization.

            34 “PNR” projects 29: History, Prehistory and Archeology.

            49 “PNR” projects 31: Population and Society.

The PNR projects hosted in the CRASC by a number of 61:

Managed by the CRASC by a number of 51:

            15“PNR” PNR 20 : Education and Formation.

            08 “PNR” PNR 25: Culture and Civilization.

            26 “PNR” projects 31: Population and Society.

            20 “PNR” projects 29: History, Prehistory and Archeology.

Managed by other organisms by a number of 10:

            03 “PNR” projects 27: Economy.

            03 “PNR” projects 22: Arabic language and Linguistics.

            04 “PNR” projects 32: Sociolinguistics and Linguistics.



C.R.A.S.C. B.P. 1955 El-M'Naouer Technopôle de l'USTO, Bir El Djir, 31000, Oran Algérie
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