Cooperation Publications

Women and development

In collaboration with PNUD

Despite the rather positive finding in recent years of some progress in the status of women, These latter continue to face many difficulties in becoming equal and full members of Society. Women continue to be excluded from the decision-making process regarding aspects of the political life ...

Urban and sustainable development

In cooperation with ANDRU

In the 1990s, Algeria initiated an operation generalizing the preparation of Urban Development Master Plans (PDAU) in parallel with a debate around the expression Big Urban Project (BUP). Since then, this experience has been put on hold and is a kind of a failure.


The public spaces in the Maghreb

In cooperation with Diraset - Tunisia

The international symposium held in Oran from 15th to 17th March 2011, whose activities are at the origin of this publication, was titled: public spaces in the Maghreb at the crossroads of religious, civil society, media and ICT. The organizers were two Maghreb institutions, one from Algeria, the National Center for Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology.

Independences in the Maghreb

In cooperation with IRMC

1962-2012: two emblematic dates. The first is a continuation of a large-scale political movement. The one of the process of decolonization, the ways in which the war emerged, the emergence of independent states, the challenges they faced, and the establishment of institutions. As for the second, it refers to a triple questioning. First, on the results of fifty years of political actions, economic programs, projects of societies and international relations ... Then, on the perspectives, the political stakes and the aspirations of the populations. And finally, on the strategic-political upheavals in the regions of the Maghreb and the Middle and Near East.

Acts of the International Forum: The Future of Social Sciences in the Arab World


In cooperation with the Center for Arab Unity Studies (Beirut)

This book includes the research carried out within the framework of the conference «Future of Social Sciences in the Arab World» (Oran / Algeria 20th -22nd March 2012), organized by the Center for Arab Unity Studies (Beirut, Lebanon) and in partnership with the «Research Center» In Social and Cultural Anthropology "(Oran - Algeria), in cooperation with the Arab Society of Sociology (Tunisia), and with the efforts of 22 scientists.


C.R.A.S.C. B.P. 1955 El-M'Naouer Technopôle de l'USTO, Bir El Djir, 31000, Oran Algérie
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