Unit of Research on Translation and Terminology URTT

Research / Research Units

Unit of Research on Translation and Terminology (URTT)

Missions :

The Unit of Research on Translation and Terminology is responsible for:

1-  Translating national cultural, scientific and technical production (Arabic, French and Tamazight) into other foreign languages.

2 - Translating fundamental academic books and texts into Arabic.

3- Filling the deficit in terms of knowledge acquisition, in particular academic and Arabic.

4- Researching on translation and terminology .

5- Translating specialized books.

6- Translating of books published in Algeria.

7- Setting up a database accessible to (Students, Researchers and Teachers), and create thematic information networks.

8-  Constituting a specialized documentary fund accessible to researchers and specialists.

9- Publishing the research unit reviews.

Research Divisions :

1  The "Theory and Practices" Research Division

2  The research division "Terminology and Technical Translation"

Unit Director :

AGUIS Keltouma, Principal Research Associate

Division Secretariat :

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Adresse :

Cité Bahi Amar, Bloc A, N°1 Es-Sénia

Tel :

+213 (0) 41-58-32-84

Research projects :

C.R.A.S.C. B.P. 1955 El-M'Naouer Technopôle de l'USTO, Bir El Djir, 31000, Oran Algérie
+ 213 41 62 06 95
+ 213 41 62 07 03
+ 213 41 62 07 05
+ 213 41 62 07 11
+ 213 41 62 06 98
+ 213 41 62 07 04