Unit of Research on Denomination Systems in Algeria (RASYD)

Research / Research Units

Unit of Research on Denomination Systems in Algeria (RASYD)

Missions :

The Research Unit “Denomination Systems in Algeria” is responsible for:

1. Studying naming systems in Algeria by contributing to the establishment of a national system for the collection of Algerian proper names,

2. Analyzing toponymic and anthroponymic systems in Algeria: History, functioning and standardization,

3. Promoting research in onomastic sciences: Supervision and creation of a bibliographical database on the origin of names of places and persons in Algeria,

4. Contributing to the establishment of a national policy on standardization of the writing of Algerian proper names (recommendations of the UN and the Arab League),

5. Conducting expertises, trainings and supervisions, publications and scientific meetings.

The Unit is composed of:

1. Research Division “Algerian toponymic system: History, management and writing”

2. Research Division “Algerian anthroponymic system: History, management and writing”

Unit Director :

YERMECHE Ouerdia, Research Director

Division Secretariat :

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Address :

Université de Blida2 - El Afroun

Research Projects :


C.R.A.S.C. B.P. 1955 El-M'Naouer Technopôle de l'USTO, Bir El Djir, 31000, Oran Algérie
+ 213 41 62 06 95
+ 213 41 62 07 03
+ 213 41 62 07 05
+ 213 41 62 07 11
+ 213 41 62 06 98
+ 213 41 62 07 04