Research reports Year 2020


"The market" of the plastic arts in the city of Oran: state places MAPVO

From 01/07/2018

To    30/06/2021

Research Project Manager: HIRRECHE BAGHDAD Mohammed

Team members :




HAMIDA Nassima


In our problematic, we integrate the plastic arts in the system of cultural policies because the initiation to taste and beauty is a matter of cultural and educational institutions. It is a downstream process (programs, actions, teaching ...) that begins at a young age to put aesthetic values in the memories and integrated in the imaginary and practices. Preparing the future amateurs of Arts require probably a lot of time. Upstream, continuity is ensured by the "cultural industries" that make the cultural product available to the actors of the "art market" through professional processes of training, production, distribution and sales. Cultural industries are characterized by the same processes and logic (product, production, marketing, distribution, profit and benefits, supply and demand, the market, the creation of wealth, entrepreneurship, etc.) of «traditional» industries. Culture becomes a product like the others. In this system, the rights of authors (owners) and the rights of intermediaries (cultural entrepreneurs) are preserved and the consumer is assured of an accessible product that meets his needs and expectations.

We aim in this project to present an inventory and to reveal through the speeches of the actors themselves, the processes and modes of operation and deployment of the plastic arts market by showing how it is perceived, imagined and lived in the city of Oran since the 2000s until now. Nevertheless, it is possible to shed light on this field of research by looking at previous periods; and even to make comparisons with other regions in Algeria, in order to give meaning to practices in various contexts.



C.R.A.S.C. B.P. 1955 El-M'Naouer Technopôle de l'USTO, Bir El Djir, 31000, Oran Algérie
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