Africa : Call for contributions of the 1st issue
Africa is a new academic review of the Center for Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Oran - Algeria). It will be annual and published in three languages: English, Arabic and French.
Africa publishes original articles on Africa, using a multidisciplinary approach bringing together philosophy, literature, arts and human and social sciences. It pays particular attention to the critical perspective, the pan-African dimension and the vision centred on the countries of the South.
For the edition of the first issue, Africa review is launching this call for contributions to researchers, university teachers, doctoral students and any contributor interested in African issues.
- Receipt of proposals: at the latest August 31, 2024.
- Evaluation of proposals: September 01 - 30, 2024.
- Return to authors: October 01, 2024.
Articles should be sent to the following email addresses :
Note for authors:
- Author identification: First name LAST name, Affiliation institution, City, Country.
- Article volume: between 40,000 and 50,000 characters (including spaces).
- Abstract : 15 lines maximum. Keywords : 05.
- Text : Times New Roman, 11. Line spacing: simple.
- References are made in the text according to the APA system. Example: «The quote» (Harbi, 1980, p. 31).
- Tables and figures must be numbered, with title and source.
- Bibliography : Only the bibliographic references cited in the text are mentioned. They should be listed in alphabetical order by author name.
- Book : Author, A. (year). Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher.
- Collective book: Author, A. (Ed.) (year). Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher.
- Book chapter: Author, A. (year). Chapter title. In Author, A. (Ed.). Title of the book (p-p). Place of publication: Publisher.
- Periodical article: Author, A. (year).Title of the article. Title of periodical, xx(y), pp-pp.
Indicate the DOI if it exists (doi: xxxx).
- Thesis: Author, A. (Year). Thesis title. Thesis, Name of University, City, Country.
- Website: Author, A. (Year). Document title. URL