Research reports Year 2020


“The Cultural and Cognitive History of Algeria”, through the Manuscript: “the accurate testimony to clarify what had been circulating in terms of science and books in the middle and far Maghreb” by the orientalist Georges Delphin”( 1922)

From 01/07/2019

To 30/06/2020


Research Project Manager:  HAMOU Abdelkrim 


C.R.A.S.C. B.P. 1955 El-M'Naouer Technopôle de l'USTO, Bir El Djir, 31000, Oran Algérie
+ 213 41 62 06 95
+ 213 41 62 07 03
+ 213 41 62 07 05
+ 213 41 62 07 11
+ 213 41 62 06 98
+ 213 41 62 07 04